Unable to resolve service for type 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' while attempting to activate... error


When I tried to register a service that uses an object of System.Net.Http.HttpClient  for dependency injection, I got the following error. 

AggregateException: Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating the 
service descriptor 'ServiceType: APICallHelper.IHttpService Lifetime: Scoped ImplementationType:
APICallHelper.HttpService': Unable to resolve service for type 'System.Net.Http.HttpClient' while
attempting to activate 'APICallHelper.HttpService'.)

namespace APICallHelper
    public class HttpService : IHttpService
        private readonly HttpClient httpClient;

        public HttpService(HttpClient httpClient)
            this.httpClient = httpClient;

        public async Task<HttpResponseWrapper<T>> Get<T>(string url)
            var responseHTTP = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);

            if (responseHTTP.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var response = await Deserialize<T>(responseHTTP, defaultJsonSerializerOptions);
                return new HttpResponseWrapper<T>(response, true, responseHTTP);
                return new HttpResponseWrapper<T>(default, false, responseHTTP);


namespace APICallHelper
    public interface IHttpService
        Task<HttpResponseWrapper<T>> Get<T>(string url);


 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
           services.AddScoped<IHttpService, HttpService>();



The error was fixed when I use the following code to register the service for dependency injection in the startup file.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddHttpClient<IHttpService, HttpService>();           

Registering the client service as shown above, makes the DefaultClientFactory create a standard HttpClient for the service.
